Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Brown Spots (Bipolaris fungus)

If you take proper care of your garden, it's unlikely that your plants will be damaged by brown spots - a disease caused by a parasite (a fungus that can grow as a mold in semi-dry environments ) called Bipolaris. The bad news is that such parasite is very hard to get rid of, but there are a couple of steps you may take to help you lessen the damage.

Healthy plants growing in nutrient-rich soil are naturally resistant, but, since such fungus may be spread by the wind or, at short distances, by rain or irrigation, it's important to be on the watch for any sign of the disease. Round dark brown spots on leaves, stems or grains should call your attention, specially if they show a light-greyish center and a light yellow halo. Once set in, brown spots are hardly controlled.

So, in order to avoid such trouble, you should look to avert the conditions for the development of these fungi in your garden, specifically mild temperatures associated with high relative humidity and frequent wetting. Also, keep plants pruned so that  there is ventilation and the irrigation water does not remain ponded on the leaves, this way both the temperature and humidity will be regulated. 

Since it's difficult to get rid of brown spots, the solution is to act preventively and apply fungicides such as Bordeaux mixture ¹,which might control the disease.

The best solution, however, is to choose seeds,  seedlings, and mature plants very carefully, purchasing the healthiest ones only, making sure you buy varieties that can resist such parasites.

Last but not least, remember that Bipolaris is a potential allergen and is the leading cause of allergic fungal sinusitis. Some people may even experience hay fever, or asthma. So, stay away from plants that show brown spots if you are allergic. :)

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