Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bonsai Trees - How To Grow Them

After writing the post on bonsai trees, I felt compelled to grow my own bonsai. It's something I've always thought of doing but never accomplished. The reasons for this failure vary from procrastination itself (which is no good thing to do) to a feeling of being unable to properly grow and care for a bonsai tree. Unfounded excuses because, as long as you have the right information and follow the required steps, you are likely to succeed getting your bonsai.

While mine is still a seed to be sown in good soil, I admire ancient bonsai trees, carefully cultivated by Asian masters, such as the ones displayed on this page. They are all over 80 years old.

1 comment:

  1. This post is very informative. Having never grown such a tree I think I have been inspired to add one to my living room. I've got all sorts of general gardening tips on my website, that you may want to check out to help with your gardening plans.
